Nate’s Monday Morning Message Volume 1,230

Welcome to this week’s Monday Morning Message! I hope this email finds you well and ready for the new week. It’s an interesting time in our world right now and I want to talk about something that has come up a few times over the last week in conversation with agents in my brokerage and even a few people in my life. We have two choices: to see the positive in things or focus on the negative. I have a phrase I say which is “what you focus on expands.” So, the more negative you see, the more negative you will find. However, it works equally as well when you choose to see the positive. In almost every situation, there is a silver lining or something we can choose to see as good. This week I’d like to challenge you to shift your perspective – find something that interests you and give back to your community in a positive way. When we give good, we get good back. Let’s make it a great week!

PS speaking of giving back, I’d like to thank each of the people at RE/MAX Professionals who volunteered for the Month of Miracles committee and rocked the event on Friday night. We couldn’t have done it without their commitment to the vision and their dedication to the cause. I am so proud to be among your ranks – thank you!


“I Jetted off to Paris for my 40th Birthday.” - Star Staubach, 41, Taylor Mill, KY

Sounds luxurious, right? It felt impossible for this middle-aged mother of three with no childcare and no savings to do anything for herself. And yet, I dared to dream and said it out loud one day while on the bus home from work. The woman sitting next to me got a tissue from her purse to blow her nose. On the tissue were stars and the Eiffel Tower. My name being Star, it only made sense that this was a sign. When I shared the story with friends, they affirmed it. And what was even more shocking is that one friend told me she had a timeshare in Paris that cost only $120 a week and was available on my birthday. Oh, and it was three miles from the Eiffel Tower! As my husband searched for flights he discovered that we had 50,000 skymiles we didn’t know we had (three young children, we hadn’t flown anywhere in years). The grandparents agreed to take the kids, who had never been away from us overnight. For my 40th birthday, I ran three miles to the Eiffel Tower and back to our condo.



“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.” - Helen Keller

“The need for connection and community is primal, as fundamental as the need for air, water, and food.” - Dean Ornish

“It’s a wonderful thing to be optimistic. It keeps you healthy and it keeps you resilient.” - Daniel Kahneman

Nate Martinez, RE/MAX Professionals

Copyright © 2024 Nate Martinez. All rights reserved.