Nate’s Monday Morning Message Volume 1,228

Welcome to this week’s Monday Morning Message! Are your kiddos ready to call summer 2024 a wrap? Back to school is an exciting and transformative time that marks the beginning of a new academic year, filled with opportunities for growth and learning. Students return to their classrooms with fresh supplies, eager to reconnect with friends and meet new teachers. This period signifies a renewed commitment to education, as students, parents, and educators come together to create an environment that fosters curiosity, creativity, and intellectual development. It’s a time of setting goals, embracing challenges, and laying the foundation for future success. The back-to-school season also brings a sense of structure and routine, helping students develop essential life skills such as time management, responsibility, and perseverance. As the school year kicks off, the excitement and energy are palpable, setting the stage for a year of discovery and achievement. As your children make their way back to the classrooms, I hope you’ll cherish these memories of the “first day” – whether that is kindergarten or senior year - Let’s make it a great week!


The Pear Tree and the Seasons of Life

There was once a man who had four young sons.

Wanting to teach them about the dangers of judging things too rapidly, he decided to send each of them on a journey, one after the other, to a distant pear tree.

Each son when in a different season, the first in winter, the second in spring, and so on.

At the end of the year he brought his children together and asked them what they’d seen.

The son who’d travelled in winter described a gnarled, twisted, and barren tree that stood stark and ugly against the land.

The son who went in spring disagreed. No, he said, the tree seemed full of hope and promise, with green buds along its branches.

The third son, who’d travelled in summer, disagreed once more. The pear tree he’d seen was covered in beautiful blossom that looked and smelled divine.

Finally, the last son, who’d made the journey in fall, disagreed again, describing a tree laden with sweet and delicious pears that tasted better than any he’d eaten before.

When each son had spoken, the father said they were all correct, because they’d only seen but one season of the pear tree’s life.

He explained to his sons that it’s foolish and impossible to judge something in this manner.

The essence of something, whether it’s a tree or their fellow man, can only be measured as a whole, at the end of the year, having seen it in its fullness. To make your judgment in winter is to miss the promise of spring, the beauty of summer, and the fruit in fall.

Moral of the story: Refuse to judge yourself, life, or other people based upon a single mistake or challenging time. Refuse to let the pain of one season destroy the joy of those to come.



“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” - Mahatma Gandhi

“A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.” - Bruce Lee

“In youth we learn; in age we understand.” - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

Nate Martinez, RE/MAX Professionals

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