Nate’s Monday Morning Message Volume 1,227

Welcome to this week’s Monday Morning Message! I read this parable the other day which I thought I would share for today’s message…

In a vast open plain, there lived a herd of cows and a herd of buffaloes. One day, a massive storm began brewing on the horizon. The sky turned dark, and thunder rumbled in the distance. Both the cows and the buffaloes noticed the impending storm and started to react.

The cows, seeing the storm, began to run away from it. They thought that by running away, they could escape the storm’s fury. However, as they ran, the storm eventually caught up to them. The cows, now caught in the middle of the storm, had to endure its full force for a prolonged period as they continued to run.

On the other hand, the buffaloes did something very different. Instead of running away from the storm, the buffaloes turned and ran directly toward it. By heading straight into the storm, they quickly passed through it. Although they had to face the storm’s initial intensity head-on, their journey through it was much shorter.

This parable teaches us a valuable lesson: when we face challenges or difficult situations, avoiding or running away from them often prolongs our discomfort and suffering. By confronting our problems directly and facing them head-on, we can move through them more quickly and come out stronger on the other side.

Be the buffalo. Let’s make it a great week!


Always watching

On a crisp fall morning, my daughter Laura went to pose for her senior pictures with her brother Josh’s bright green snowboard. Josh had died in a motorcycle accident the summer before, and Laura, an avid snowboarder, wanted his board in the shot. The photographer knew the perfect ­backdrop—­a vibrant graffiti wall in town. He peered through the lens, focused, and gasped. We all looked up and read the words spray-painted on the wall above Laura’s head: “Big Bro Is Watching.” What a beautiful reassurance that she has a guardian ­angel.—Lynn Elsner, Missoula, Montana



“Hope is but the dream of those who wake.” - Matthew Prior

“Where words fail, music speaks.” - Hans Christian Andersen

“Laughter is the closest distance between two people.” - Victor Borge

Nate Martinez, RE/MAX Professionals

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